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ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy
- Datum konání: 12.12.2014, 08:00
- Datum ukončení: 12.12.2014, 20:00
- Místo konání: Praha, Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČR
Dates & Locations
- Friday 28 March 2014 | Paris, France
- Friday 20 June 2014 | Moscow, Russian Federation
- Friday 12 September 2014 | Istanbul, Turkey
- Friday 12 December 2014 | Prague, Czech Republic
- Friday 13 March 2015 | Istanbul, Turkey
- Friday, 12 June 2015 | Kiev, Ukraine
- Friday 18 September 2015 | Prague, Czech Republic
- Friday 18 December 2015 | Paris, France
Learning outcomes
The programme covers the main stages of the arbitration proceedings from an arbitrator’s point of view. It aims at improving legal knowledge and developing practical skills such as efficient case management and drafting. Practitioners who successfully complete the course will have acquired a strong command of the arbitration procedures and techniques, and shall be fully capable of acting as arbitrators in international arbitration cases.
This course is also a unique opportunity for exchanging and networking with leading professionals in the field.
Who should attend?
This advanced level professional training is designed primarily for senior and upper mid-level arbitration practitioners
based in Central and Eastern European countries who are interested in pursuing a career as an arbitrator. Both institutions and arbitration practitioners would benefit from this programme.
This programme is limited to 40 participants who possess an advanced knowledge of the English language and sufficient experience in international arbitration.
Please note that a Curriculum Vitæ is requested upon registration as candidates will be selected according to their experience.
This course is organized on a two year basis, divided into 8 one-day workshops, held every three months.
Each workshop will consist of:
- Review and study by the participants of relevant topics on the basis of recommended materials;
- Analysis of practical situations based on ICC cases;
- Drafting procedural documents (correspondence with the parties, Terms of References, Procedural Orders, Awards etc.);
- Colloquia where key-note speakers discuss practical situations with the participants.
PROGRAM A REGISTRACE (ke stažení v souboru pod textem)
Vaše teritorium
- Andorra
- Belgie
- Bělorusko
- Bosna a Hercegovina
- Bulharsko
- Černá Hora
- Česká republika
- Dánsko
- Estonsko
- Finsko
- Francie
- Chorvatsko
- Itálie
- Lichtenštejnsko
- Litva
- Makedonie
- Moldavsko
- Nizozemsko
- Norsko
- Polsko
- Portugalsko
- Rakousko
- Rumunsko
- Rusko
- Řecko
- Slovinsko
- Spojené království
- Srbsko
- Španělsko
- Švédsko
- Švýcarsko
- Ukrajina
- Severní Amerika
- Jižní Amerika
- Asie
- Austrálie a Oceánie
- Afrika