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- Digitalization of Trade Finance Current developments and trends in trade finance from IT solutions provider point of view
Digitalization of Trade Finance Current developments and trends in trade finance from IT solutions provider point of view
- Datum konání: 19.6.2017, 09:00
- Datum ukončení: 19.6.2017, 16:00
- Místo konání: ICC ČR, Florentinum (recepce A), Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Praha 1
IT solutions for trade finance products such as L/Cs, Bank Guarantees, Export and Import Finance; Digital documents; BPO; Supply Chain Finance.
In this digital era, the Trade Finance environment remains to be a paper intense process for most of its transactions. Specialised companies focus on enabling the transition towards a paperless environment within the Trade Finance business area. Digitizing documents around the physical supply chain, like the Bill of Lading, not only reduces risk and cost for corporates, but also make it easier for them to utilize these documents in Trade Finance transactions, i.e. within the Financial Supply Chain.
Seminar with a leading Foreign Speakers - The Seminar will be held in English with no interpretation!
This workshop is sponsored by:
Who should attend:
This seminar will be of benefit to professionals working in bank´s trade finance departments working with various trade finance products and instruments such as documentary credits, bank guarantees, export and import financing, etc. Bank IT specialists and relationship managers will gain an insight into practices in trade finance with focus on supply chain finance, IT solutions for trade finance, etc. The seminar will be also very valuable to business people active in trade finance.
Beneficial for:
- bankers in trade finance departments with working experience,
- IT specialists, relationship managers,
- exporters and importers using trade finance instruments and services.
David Hennah - Head of trade & supply chain finance with Misys, London and Joint chair of the World Trade Board
E: david.hennah@misys.com
T: +44 203 3320 5006
Jacco de Jong - Managing Director at EssDOCS consulting and Head of Trade Finance at EssDOCS
With over 30 years in the International Trade Finance business environment, Jacco de Jong has gained hands-on experience in all major areas such as operations, client service, sales (commodity) finance, training, digitalization and system implementations.
By being a trusted advisor to many corporates and financial institutions, Mr De Jong stays abreast of the latest developments in the market. In his role as Managing Director at EssDOCS Consulting and head of Trade Finance he is supporting banks and corporates in the transition towards digitalization in Trade and Supply Chain Finance.
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:05 Introduction - Representative of ICC CR
09:05 – 10:30
Introduction to main developments and trends in Trade Finance from IT solutions provider point of view
- Key drivers influencing change in the market: regulation, new models for risk and finance, digitisation, globalisation
- Latest developments in trade & supply chain software solutions; back-office and corporate channels
- Integration of partner solutions to support paperless trade and regulatory compliance
10:30 – 10:50 Contact break
10:50 – 11:30
Activities of the World Trade Board and report from the World Trade Symposium 2017
- Closing the trade finance funding gap topwards SMEs
- Promoting adoption of legal entity identifiers
- Assessing the true potential of blockchain in trade finance
- Promoting sustainable trade and the circular economy
11:30 - 12:00
Latest developments in new technology
- Blockchain, smart contracts, tokenisation, big data, mobile devices, Internet of Everything, track & trace, intelligent sensors, bioemtrics, drones, robotics
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:00
Supply Chain Finance
- Supply chain finance – what is it?
- Supply Chain finance techniques
- Receivables purchase v. Loan or advances-based SCF
- Enabling framework
- Discussion
14:00 – 14:15 Contact break
14:15 – 15:00
BPO – digital platform for open account bank solutions
- How is BPO to function?
- Use of BPO and its possible future
- Discussion
15:00 – 16:00
The transition towards a paperless environment within the Trade Finance Business.
- Insight into the opportunities resulting from going digital
- Discussion
Slevový program:
Člen ICC ČR – sleva z celkové částky: 1 a více kolegů z jedné firmy – sleva 20–30localhost dle příspěvkového řádu
Nečlen – sleva z celkové částky: 2 kolegové z jedné firmy – sleva 5 localhost, 3 kolegové z jedné firmy – sleva 10 localhost, 4 a více kolegů z jedné firmy – sleva 15 localhost
Registrace na seminář je závazná, při neúčasti se uhrazený účastnický poplatek nevrací, viz. Všeobecné obchodní podmínky ICC ČR, storno poplatky viz. bod 4.
Prezence účastníků 8:30 - 9:00 hod.
V průběhu semináře bude účastníkům poskytnuto občerstvení a oběd.
Přihlášky ve wordu zasíláme na požádání - filipkova@icc-cr.cz
Těšíme se na Vás :)
- Kontaktní jméno pořadatele: Renata Filípková
- Telefon na pořadatele: 257 217 744
- E-mail na pořadatele: filipkova@icc-cr.cz
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